From: Peter Fogel (

I'm 35 y.o., 5'7" usually about shoulder length hair.  

Grew up in N.Y. and moved to LA after getting my BA in psychology.  I now 
have an MS in counseling and been working in the psych field for 10+ years.
I currently work in a psychiatric hospitol

After going to my first rave in the bay area (freedom harvest), I started 
looking for a job near SF, and knew it was time for me to leave LA.
I've enjoyed dancing since a new wave club opened near my college in 
1980.  For me raving has taken dancing to many more levels.  Raving helps 
me get in TUNE with my mind body and spirit.  Raving has taught me alot 
about love, and the joys of sharing.  Not only is raving therapeautic for 
me, I find that it helps me in the work that I do.  Raving helps me 
relate to myself and the world around.  Actually I feel I can go on and 
on about raving.  I'll try and keep my raving about raving to a minimum 
and get back to my bio.
Been raving for about 3 years. Been on sfraves about 1 year.
Other interests include, hiking in nature, running, playing guitar, 
exploring, traveling.

I just want to add that I really appreciate everyones contribution to 
the "scene".  With alot of your help I've had some of best and incredibly 
amazing times of my life.  I used to feel sorry that I missed out on the 
sixties being a little to young to fully experience them.  I am so 
appreciative of these times. The connections that we share...I'm not sure 
how to finish this sentence as I got caught up some warm emotions.  It 
opens my heart, and not only does it help me appreciate the beat of my 
heart, it helps me appreciate the beat all our hearts make together, and 
the individual beats as well.
All this thinking about beats has given me the urge to get up and dance, 
so I'll talk to you all later.  Hope to see ya out on the dance floor.
